Source code for covsirphy.util.validator

from __future__ import annotations
from inspect import signature
import math
import pandas as pd
from typing import Callable, Iterable
from typing_extensions import Any
from covsirphy.util.error import NAFoundError, NotIncludedError, NotSubclassError, UnExpectedTypeError, EmptyError
from covsirphy.util.error import UnExpectedValueRangeError, UnExpectedValueError, UnExpectedLengthError, UnExpectedNoneError

[docs] class Validator(object): """Validate objects and arguments. Args: target (object): target object to validate name (str): name of the target shown in error code accept_none (str): whether accept None as the target value or not Raises: NAFoundError: @accept_none is False, but @target is None Note: When @accept_none is True and @target is None, default values will be returned with instance methods. """ def __init__(self, target: Any, name: str = "target", accept_none: bool = True) -> None: self._target = target self._name = name if target is None and not accept_none: raise UnExpectedNoneError(self._name)
[docs] def subclass(self, parent: Any) -> Any: """Ensure the target is a subclass of the parent class. Args: parent: parent class or sequence of parent classes Raises: NotSubclassError: the target is not the subclass Returns: the target itself """ if issubclass(self._target, parent): return self._target raise NotSubclassError(self._name, self._target, parent)
[docs] def instance(self, expected: Any) -> Any: """Ensure that the target is an instance of a specified class. Args: expected: expected class or sequence of expected classes Raises: UnExpectedTypeError: the target is not an instance of the class Returns: the target itself """ if isinstance(self._target, expected): return self._target raise UnExpectedTypeError(self._name, self._target, expected)
[docs] def dataframe(self, time_index: bool = False, columns: list[str] | None = None, empty_ok: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame: """Ensure the target is a dataframe. Args: time_index (bool): if True, the dataframe must has DatetimeIndex columns (list[str] or None): the columns the dataframe must have empty_ok (bool): whether give permission to empty dataframe or not Raises: UnExpectedTypeError: the target is not a dataframe or that has un-expected-type index EmptyError: empty when @empty_ok is False NotIncludedError: expected columns were not included Returns: pandas.DataFrame: the target itself """ if not isinstance(self._target, pd.DataFrame): raise UnExpectedTypeError(self._name, self._target, pd.DataFrame) df = self._target.copy() if not empty_ok and df.empty: raise EmptyError(name=self._name) if time_index and not isinstance(df.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): raise UnExpectedTypeError(f"Index of {self._name}", df.index, pd.DatetimeIndex) if columns is None: return df if not set(columns).issubset(df.columns): expected_cols = sorted(set(columns) - set(df.columns), key=columns.index) for col in expected_cols: raise NotIncludedError( col, f"column list of {self._name}", details=f"The dataframe has {', '.join(df.columns.tolist())} as columns") return df
[docs] def float(self, value_range: tuple[int | None, int | None] = (0, None), default: float | None = None, digits: int | None = None) -> float: """Convert a value to a float value. Args: value_range: value range, None means un-specified default: default value when the target is None digits: effective digits or None (skip rounding) Raises: UnExpectedNoneError: the default value is None when the target is None UnExpectedTypeError: the target cannot be converted to a float value UnExpectedValueRangeError: the value is out of value range Returns: converted float value """ if self._target is None: return Validator(default, "default", accept_none=False).float(value_range=value_range, digits=digits) try: value = float(self._target) except ValueError: raise UnExpectedTypeError(self._name, self._target, float) from None if (value < (value_range[0] or value)) or (value > (value_range[1] or value)): raise UnExpectedValueRangeError(self._name, value, value_range) if digits is None or value == 0: return value return round(value, digits - 1 - math.floor(math.log10(abs(value))))
[docs] def int(self, value_range: tuple[int | None, int | None] = (0, None), default: int | None = None, round_ok: bool = False) -> int: """Convert a value to an integer. Args: value_range: value range, None means un-specified default: default value when the target is None round_ok: whether ignore round-off error Raises: UnExpectedNoneError: the default value is None when the target is None UnExpectedTypeError: the target cannot be converted to an integer or round-off error exists when @round_ok is False UnExpectedValueRangeError: the value is out of value range Returns: converted float value """ if self._target is None: return Validator(default, name="default", accept_none=False).int(value_range=value_range, round_ok=round_ok) try: value = int(self._target) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise UnExpectedTypeError(self._name, self._target, int) from None if value != self._target and not round_ok: raise UnExpectedTypeError( self._name, self._target, int, details=f"This is because we cannot ignore round-off error, | {self._target} - {value} | > 0") if (value < (value_range[0] or value)) or (value > (value_range[1] or value)): raise UnExpectedValueRangeError(self._name, value, value_range) return value
[docs] def tau(self, default: int | None = None) -> int | None: """Validate the value can be used as tau value [min]. Args: default: default value when the target is None Raises: UnExpectedTypeError: the target cannot be converted to an integer UnExpectedValueRangeError: the value is out of value range Returns: converted float value or None (when both of the target and @default are None) """ if self._target is None: return None if default is None else Validator(default, name="default").tau() value =, 1440), round_ok=False) if 1440 % value == 0: return value divisors = [str(i) for i in range(1, 1441) if 1440 % i == 0] raise UnExpectedValueError( self._name, value, divisors, details="Tau value [min], a divisor of 1440 [min], is a parameter used to convert actual time to time steps (without units)")
[docs] def date(self, value_range: tuple[pd.Timestamp | None, pd.Timestamp | None] = (None, None), default: pd.Timestamp | None = None) -> pd.Timestamp: """Convert a value to a date object. Args: value_range: value range, None means un-specified default: default value when the target is None Raises: UnExpectedNoneError: the default value is None when the target is None UnExpectedTypeError: the target cannot be converted to a date object UnExpectedValueRangeError: the value is out of value range Returns: converted date """ if self._target is None: return Validator(default, name="default", accept_none=False).date(value_range=value_range) if isinstance(self._target, pd.Timestamp): value = self._target.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) else: try: value = pd.to_datetime(self._target).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) except ValueError: raise UnExpectedTypeError(self._name, self._target, pd.Timestamp) from None if (value < (value_range[0] or value)) or (value > (value_range[1] or value)): raise UnExpectedValueRangeError( self._name, value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), [None if value is None else value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for value in value_range]) return value
[docs] def sequence(self, default: Iterable[Any] | None = None, flatten: bool = False, unique: bool = False, candidates: Iterable[Any] | None = None, length: int | None = None) -> list[Any]: """Convert a sequence (list, tuple) to a list. Args: default: default value when the target is None flatten: whether flatten the sequence or not unique: whether remove duplicated values or not, the first value will remain candidates: list of candidates or None (no limitations) length: length of the sequence or None (no limitations) Raises: UnExpectedTypeError: the target cannot be converted to a list or failed in flattening UnExpectedValueError: the target has a value which is not included in the candidates UnExpectedLengthError: the number of elements is not the same as @length Returns: converted list or empty list (when both of the target and @default are None) """ if self._target is None: return [] if default is None else Validator(default, name="default", accept_none=False).sequence(flatten=flatten, unique=unique, candidates=candidates) if not isinstance(self._target, (list, tuple)): raise UnExpectedTypeError( self._name, self._target, list, details="A tuple can be used, but it will be converted to a list") if flatten: try: targets = sum(self._target, []) except TypeError: for value in [value for value in self._target if not isinstance(value, list)]: raise UnExpectedTypeError( f"A value of {self._name}", value, list, details="This is required to flatten the sequence") from None else: targets = list(self._target) if unique: targets = sorted(set(targets), key=targets.index) if length is not None and len(targets) != length: raise UnExpectedLengthError(self._name, targets, length) if candidates is None or set(targets).issubset(candidates): return targets for value in (set(targets) - set(candidates)): raise UnExpectedValueError(self._name, value, [str(c) for c in candidates])
[docs] def dict(self, default: dict[str, Any] | None = None, required_keys: list[Any] | None = None, errors: str = "coerce") -> dict[str, Any]: """Ensure the target is a dictionary. Args: default: default values, when the target is None or key is not included in the target required_keys: keys which must be included errors: "coerce" or "raise" Raises: UnExpectedTypeError: the target is not a dictionary NAFoundError: values of the required keys are not specified when @errors="raise" Returns: the target is self with default values and required keys Note: All keys of @default will be included and the target will overwrite it. Note: If some keys of @required_keys are not included and @errors="coerce", None will be set as the values of the keys. """ if self._target is not None and not isinstance(self._target, dict): raise UnExpectedTypeError(self._name, self._target, dict) _dict = dict.fromkeys(required_keys or []) _dict.update(default or {}) _dict.update(self._target or {}) if required_keys is not None and errors != "coerce" and None in [_dict[key] for key in required_keys]: for key in [key for key in required_keys if _dict[key] is None]: raise NAFoundError(f"The value of key {key} in dictionary {self._name}") return _dict
[docs] def kwargs(self, functions: list[Callable] | Callable, default: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> dict[str, Any]: """Find keyword arguments of the functions. Args: functions: target functions default: default values, when the target is None or key is not included in the target Raises: UnExpectedTypeError: the target is not a dictionary Returns: dict: keyword arguments of the functions """ _dict = self.dict(default=default, required_keys=None, errors="coerce") keywords_nest = [ list(signature(func).parameters.keys()) for func in (functions if isinstance(functions, list) else [functions])] keywords_set = set(sum(keywords_nest, [])) - {"self", "cls"} return {k: v for k, v in _dict.items() if k in keywords_set}