Source code for covsirphy.util.term

from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import warnings
import country_converter as coco
from covsirphy.util.validator import Validator

[docs] class Term(object): """ Term definition. """ # Variables of SIR-derived model N = "Population" S = "Susceptible" C = "Confirmed" CI = "Infected" F = "Fatal" R = "Recovered" FR = "Fatal or Recovered" E = "Exposed" W = "Waiting" # PCR tests TESTS = "Tests" TESTS_DIFF = "Tests_diff" # Severity MODERATE = "Moderate" SEVERE = "Severe" # Vaccination VAC = "Vaccinations" V = "Vaccinated" V_ONCE = f"{V}_once" V_FULL = f"{V}_full" VAC_BOOSTERS = f"{VAC}_boosters" PRODUCT = "Product" # Column names DATE = "Date" START = "Start" END = "End" T = "Elapsed" TS = "t" TAU = "tau" COUNTRY = "Country" ISO3 = "ISO3" PROVINCE = "Province" CITY = "City" STEP_N = "step_n" Y0_DICT = "y0_dict" PARAM_DICT = "param_dict" ID = "ID" _PH = "Phase_ID" _SIRF = [S, CI, R, F] AREA_COLUMNS = [COUNTRY, PROVINCE] STR_COLUMNS = [DATE, *AREA_COLUMNS] COLUMNS = [*STR_COLUMNS, C, CI, F, R] NLOC_COLUMNS = [DATE, C, CI, F, R] SUB_COLUMNS = [DATE, C, CI, F, R, S] VALUE_COLUMNS = [C, CI, F, R] FIG_COLUMNS = [CI, F, R, FR, V, E, W] MONO_COLUMNS = [C, F, R] AREA_ABBR_COLS = [ISO3, *AREA_COLUMNS] DSIFR_COLUMNS = [DATE, S, CI, F, R] # Date format: 22Jan2020 etc. DATE_FORMAT = "%d%b%Y" DATE_FORMAT_DESC = "DDMmmYYYY" # Separator of country and province SEP = "/" # EDA RATE_COLUMNS = [ "Fatal per Confirmed", "Recovered per Confirmed", "Fatal per (Fatal or Recovered)" ] # Optimization A = "_actual" P = "_predicted" ACTUAL = "Actual" FITTED = "Fitted" # Phase name SUFFIX_DICT = defaultdict(lambda: "th") SUFFIX_DICT.update({1: "st", 2: "nd", 3: "rd"}) # Summary of phases TENSE = "Type" PAST = "Past" FUTURE = "Future" INITIAL = "Initial" ODE = "ODE" RT = "Rt" RT_FULL = "Reproduction number" TRIALS = "Trials" RUNTIME = "Runtime" # Scenario analysis PHASE = "Phase" SERIES = "Scenario" MAIN = "Main" # Flag NA = "-" OTHERS = "Others"
[docs] @classmethod def num2str(cls, num): """ Convert numbers to 1st, 2nd etc. Args: num (int): number Returns: str """ num = Validator(num, "num").int(value_range=(0, None)) q, mod = divmod(num, 10) suffix = "th" if q % 10 == 1 else cls.SUFFIX_DICT[mod] return f"{num}{suffix}"
[docs] @staticmethod def str2num(string, name="phase names"): """ Convert 1st to 1 and so on. Args: string (str): like 1st, 2nd, 3rd,... name (str): name of the string Returns: int """ try: return int(string[:-2]) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( f"Examples of {name} are 0th, 1st, 2nd..., but {string} was applied." ) from e
@classmethod def _to_iso3(cls, name): """Convert country name(s) to ISO3 codes. Args: name (str or list[str] or None): country name(s) Returns: list[str]: ISO3 code(s) Note: "UK" will be converted to "GBR". Note: When the country was not found or None, it will not be converted. Examples: >>> Term._to_iso3("Japan") ['JPN'] >>> Term._to_iso3("UK") ['GBR'] >>> Term._to_iso3("Moon") ['Moon'] >>> Term._to_iso3(None) ['---'] >>> Term._to_iso3(["Japan", "UK", "Moon", None]) ['JPN', 'GBR', 'Moon', '---'] """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.CRITICAL) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning) names = [name] if (isinstance(name, str) or name is None) else name excepted_dict = {"UK": "GBR", None: cls.NA * 3} code_dict = { elem: excepted_dict[elem] if elem in excepted_dict else coco.convert(elem, to="ISO3", not_found=elem) for elem in set(names) } return [code_dict[elem] for elem in names] def _country_information(self): """Return the raw data of country_converter library raw data as a dataframe. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Index reset index Columns: - name_short: standard or short names - ISO2: ISO2 codes - ISO3: ISO3 codes - Continent: continent names - the other columns listed in country_converter library homepage. Note: Refer to """ return coco.CountryConverter().data