Source code for covsirphy.util.filer

from pathlib import Path

[docs] class Filer(object): """ Produce filenames and manage files. Args: directory (list[str] or tuple(str) or str): top directory name(s) prefix (str or None): prefix of the filenames or None (no prefix) suffix (str or None): suffix of the filenames or None (no suffix) numbering (str or None): "001", "01", "1" or None (no numbering) Examples: >>> import covsirphy as cs >>> filer = cs.Filer(directory="output", prefix="jpn", suffix=None, numbering="01") >>> filer.png("records") {"filename": "<absolute path>/output/jpn_01_records.png"} >>> filer.jpg("records") {"filename": "<absolute path>/output/jpn_01_records.jpg"} >>> filer.json("backup") {"filename": "<absolute path>/output/jpn_01_backup.json"} >>> filer.geojson("geometry", "driver": "GeoJson") {"filename": "<absolute path>/output/jpn_01_geometry.geojson", "driver": "GeoJson"} >>> filer.csv("records", index=True) {"path_or_buf": "<absolute path>/output/jpn_01_records.csv", index: True} """ def __init__(self, directory, prefix=None, suffix=None, numbering=None): directories = [directory] if isinstance(directory, (str, Path)) else directory self._dir_path = Path(*directories).resolve() self._pre = "" if prefix is None else f"{prefix}_" self._suf = "" if suffix is None else f"_{suffix}" # Create the directory self._dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Numbering num_dict = {"001": "{num:0>3}_", "01": "{num:0>2}_", "1": "{num:0>1}_", None: ""} if numbering not in num_dict: num_str = ", ".join(str(sel) for sel in num_dict) raise ValueError( f"@numbering should be selected from {num_str}, but {numbering} was applied.") self._num_format = num_dict[numbering] # Filenames self._file_dict = {} def _register(self, title, ext): """ Create filename with file title and register it. Args: title (str): title of the filename, like 'records' ext (str): extension of the file, like 'jpg' Returns: str: absolute filename """ # Create filename basename_format = f"{self._pre}{self._num_format}{title}{self._suf}.{ext}" basename = basename_format.format(num=len(self._file_dict.get(ext, [])) + 1) filename = str(self._dir_path.joinpath(basename)) # Register the filename self._file_dict[ext] = self._file_dict.get(ext, []) + [filename] return filename
[docs] def files(self, ext=None): """ List-up filenames. Args: ext (str or None): file extension or None (all) Returns: list[str]: list of files """ if ext is None: return [file for filenames in self._file_dict.values() for file in filenames] return self._file_dict.get(ext, [])
[docs] def png(self, title, **kwargs): """ Create PNG filename and register it. Args: title (str): title of the filename, like 'records' kwargs: keyword arguments to be included in the output Returns: dict[str, str]: absolute filename (key: 'filename') and kwargs """ filename = self._register(title=title, ext="png") return {"filename": filename, **kwargs}
[docs] def jpg(self, title, **kwargs): """ Create JPG filename and register it. Args: title (str): title of the filename, like 'records' kwargs: keyword arguments to be included in the output Returns: dict[str, str]: absolute filename (key: 'filename') and kwargs """ filename = self._register(title=title, ext="jpg") return {"filename": filename, **kwargs}
[docs] def json(self, title, **kwargs): """ Create JSON filename and register it. Args: title (str): title of the filename, like 'records' kwargs: keyword arguments to be included in the output Returns: dict[str, str]: absolute filename (key: 'filename') and kwargs """ filename = self._register(title=title, ext="json") return {"filename": filename, **kwargs}
[docs] def geojson(self, title, **kwargs): """ Create GeoJSON filename and register it. Args: title (str): title of the filename, like 'records' kwargs: keyword arguments to be included in the output Returns: dict[str, str]: absolute filename (key: 'filename') and kwargs """ filename = self._register(title=title, ext="geojson") return {"filename": filename, **kwargs}
[docs] def csv(self, title, **kwargs): """ Create CSV filename and register it. Args: title (str): title of the filename, like 'records' kwargs: keyword arguments to be included in the output Returns: dict[str, str]: absolute filename (key: 'path_or_buf') and kwargs """ filename = self._register(title=title, ext="csv") return {"path_or_buf": filename, **kwargs}