Source code for covsirphy.util.evaluator

import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from covsirphy.util.error import UnExpectedValueError, NAFoundError
from covsirphy.util.validator import Validator

[docs] class Evaluator(object): """ Evaluate residual errors. Args: y_true (pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series): correct target values y_pred (pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series): estimated target values how (str): "all" (use all records) or "inner" (intersection will be used) on (str or list[str] or None): column names to join on or None (join on index) Raises: NAFoundError: either @y_true or @pred has NA values """ # Names _A = "_actual" _P = "_predicted" # Metrics: {name: (function(x1, x2), whether smaller is better or not)} _METRICS_DICT = { "ME": (lambda x1, x2: np.max(np.abs(x2 - x1)), True), "MAE": (lambda x1, x2: np.mean(np.abs(x2 - x1)), True), "MSE": (lambda x1, x2: np.mean(np.square(x2 - x1)), True), "MSLE": (lambda x1, x2: np.mean(np.square(np.log1p(x2) - np.log1p(x1))), True), "MAPE": (lambda x1, x2: np.mean(np.abs((x2 - x1) / x1)) * 100, True), "RMSE": (lambda x1, x2: np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(x2 - x1))), True), "RMSLE": (lambda x1, x2: np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(np.log1p(x2) - np.log1p(x1)))), True), "R2": (lambda x1, x2: np.corrcoef(x1, x2)[0, 1]**2, False), } def __init__(self, y_true, y_pred, how="inner", on=None): # Check types for (y, name) in zip([y_true, y_pred], ["y_true", "y_pred"]): Validator(y, name, accept_none=False).instance(expected=(pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, list, tuple)) if pd.DataFrame(y).isna().any().any(): raise NAFoundError(name, y) # Join dataframes true_df, pred_df = pd.DataFrame(y_true), pd.DataFrame(y_pred) if how == "all": self._true, self._pred = true_df, pred_df return if on is not None: true_df = true_df.set_index(on) pred_df = pred_df.set_index(on) all_df = true_df.join(pred_df, how="inner", lsuffix=self._A, rsuffix=self._P) # Register values self._true = all_df.loc[:, [f"{col}{self._A}" for col in true_df.columns]] self._pred = all_df.loc[:, [f"{col}{self._P}" for col in pred_df.columns]]
[docs] def score(self, metric="RMSLE"): """ Calculate score with specified metric. Args: metric (str): ME, MAE, MSE, MSLE, MAPE, RMSE, RMSLE, R2 Raises: UnExpectedValueError: un-expected metric was applied ValueError: ME was selected as metric when the targets have multiple columns Returns: float: score with the metric Note: ME: maximum residual error MAE: mean absolute error MSE: mean square error MSLE: mean squared logarithmic error MAPE: mean absolute percentage error RMSE: root mean squared error RMSLE: root mean squared logarithmic error R2: the coefficient of determination """ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) # Check metric name if metric.upper() not in self._METRICS_DICT: raise UnExpectedValueError("metric", metric, candidates=list(self._METRICS_DICT.keys())) # Calculate score func = self._METRICS_DICT[metric.upper()][0] try: return float(func(self._true.values, self._pred.values)) except TypeError: outputs = float(func(self._true.values.astype(np.float64), self._pred.values.astype(np.float64))) return float(np.average(outputs))
[docs] @classmethod def metrics(cls): """ Return the list of metric names. Returns: list[str]: list of metric names """ return list(cls._METRICS_DICT.keys())
[docs] @classmethod def smaller_is_better(cls, metric="RMSLE"): """ Whether smaller value of the metric is better or not. Args: metric (str): ME, MAE, MSE, MSLE, MAPE, RMSE, RMSLE, R2 Returns: bool: whether smaller value is better or not """ if metric.upper() not in cls._METRICS_DICT: raise UnExpectedValueError("metric", metric, candidates=list(cls._METRICS_DICT.keys())) return cls._METRICS_DICT[metric.upper()][1]
[docs] @classmethod def best_one(cls, candidate_dict, **kwargs): """ Select the best one with scores. Args: candidate_dict (dict[object, float]): scores of candidates kwargs: keyword arguments of Evaluator.smaller_is_better() Returns: tuple(object, float): the best one and its score """ comp_f = {True: min, False: max}[cls.smaller_is_better(**kwargs)] return comp_f(candidate_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])