Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing_extensions import Self
from covsirphy.util.error import NotIncludedError
from covsirphy.util.alias import Alias
from covsirphy.util.validator import Validator
from covsirphy.util.term import Term
from covsirphy.gis.gis import GIS
from covsirphy.downloading.downloader import DataDownloader
from import _DataCleaner
from import _DataTransformer
from import _ComplementHandler

[docs] class DataEngineer(Term): """Class for data engineering including loading, cleaning, transforming, complementing, EDA (explanatory data analysis). Args: layers: list of layers of geographic information or None (`["ISO3", "Province", "City"]`) country: layer name of countries or None (countries are not included in the layers) Raises: ValueError: @layers has duplicates Note: Country level data specified with @country will be stored with ISO3 codes. """ def __init__(self, layers: list[str] | None = None, country: str = "ISO3", **kwargs) -> None: self._layers = Validator(layers, "layers").sequence(default=[self.ISO3, self.PROVINCE, self.CITY]) self._country = country self._gis_kwargs = dict(layers=self._layers, country=self._country, date=self.DATE) self._gis = GIS(**self._gis_kwargs) # Aliases self._var_alias = Alias.for_variables() self._subset_alias = Alias(target_class=tuple)
[docs] def register(self, data: pd.DataFrame, citations: list[str] | str | None = None, **kwargs) -> Self: """Register new data. Args: data: new data Index reset index Columns - columns defined by covsirphy.DataEngineer(layer) - Date (pandas.DataFrame): observation dates - Population (int): total population, optional - Tests (int): column of the number of tests, optional - Confirmed (int): the number of confirmed cases, optional - Fatal (int): the number of fatal cases, optional - Recovered (int): the number of recovered cases, optional - the other columns will be also registered citations: citations of the dataset or None (["my own dataset"]) **kwargs: keyword arguments of pandas.to_datetime() including "dayfirst (bool): whether date format is DD/MM or not" Returns: updated `DataEngineer` instance """ Validator(data, "data").dataframe(columns=[*self._layers, self.DATE]) self._gis.register( data=data, layers=self._layers, date=self.DATE, variables=None, citations=citations or ["my own dataset"], convert_iso3=(self._country in self._layers), **kwargs) return self
[docs] def download(self, **kwargs) -> Self: """Download datasets from the recommended data servers using covsirphy.DataDownloader. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments of `covsirphy.DataDownloader()` and `covsirphy.DataDownloader.layer()` Returns: updated `DataEngineer` instance """ validator = Validator(kwargs, name="keyword arguments") downloader = DataDownloader(**validator.kwargs(DataDownloader)) df = downloader.layer(**validator.kwargs(DataDownloader.layer)) citations = downloader.citations() self._gis.register( data=df, layers=[self.ISO3, self.PROVINCE, self.CITY], date=self.DATE, variables=None, citations=citations, convert_iso3=False, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def all(self, variables: list[str] | str | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return all available data, converting dtypes with pandas.DataFrame.convert_dtypes(). Args: variables: list of variables to collect or alias or None (all available variables) Raises: NotRegisteredError: No records have been registered yet Returns: Index reset index Column - columns defined by @layers of `DataEngineer()| - Date (pandas.Timestamp): observation dates defined by @date of `DataEngineer()` - the other columns """ return self._gis.all(variables=self._var_alias.find(name=variables, default=variables), errors="raise").convert_dtypes()
[docs] def citations(self, variables: list[str] | str | None = None) -> list[str]: """Return citation list of the secondary data sources. Args: variables: list of variables to collect or alias or None (all available variables) Returns: citations """ return self._gis.citations(variables=self._var_alias.find(name=variables, default=variables))
[docs] def clean(self, kinds: list[str] | None = None, **kwargs) -> Self: """Clean all registered data. Args: kinds: kinds of data cleaning with order or None (all available kinds as follows) - "convert_date": Convert dtype of date column to pandas.Timestamp. - "resample": Resample records with dates. - "fillna": Fill NA values with '-' (layers) and the previous values and 0. **kwargs: keyword arguments of data cleaning refer to note Returns: updated `DataEngineer` instance Note: When "convert_date" included, keyword arguments of pandas.to_datetime() including "dayfirst (bool): whether date format is DD/MM or not" can be used. Note: When "resample" included, `date_range=<tuple of (str or None, str or None) or None>)` can be applied as keyword arguments to set the range. """ cleaner = _DataCleaner(data=self._gis.all(), layers=self._layers, date=self.DATE) kind_dict = { "convert_date": cleaner.convert_date, "resample": cleaner.resample, "fillna": cleaner.fillna, } all_kinds = list(kind_dict.keys()) selected = Validator(kinds, "kind").sequence(default=all_kinds, candidates=all_kinds) for kind in selected: kind_dict[kind](**Validator(kwargs, "keyword arguments").kwargs(functions=kind_dict[kind], default=None)) return self._recreate_gis(cleaner)
[docs] def transform(self) -> Self: """Transform all registered data, calculating the number of susceptible and infected cases. Returns: updated `DataEngineer` instance Note: - Susceptible = Population - Confirmed - Infected = Confirmed - Fatal - Recovered """ all_df = self._gis.all() transformer = _DataTransformer(data=all_df, layers=self._layers, date=self.DATE) transformer.susceptible(new=self.S, population=self.N, confirmed=self.C) transformer.infected(new=self.CI, confirmed=self.C, fatal=self.F, recovered=self.R) return self._recreate_gis(transformer)
[docs] def inverse_transform(self) -> Self: """Perform inverse transformation, calculating total population and confirmed. Returns: updated `DataEngineer` instance Note: - Population = Susceptible + Confirmed - Confirmed = Infected + Fatal + Recovered """ Validator(self._gis.all(), "all registered data").dataframe(columns=[self.S, self.CI, self.F, self.R]) self.add(columns=[self.CI, self.F, self.R], new=self.C) self.add(columns=[self.S, self.C], new=self.N) return self
[docs] def diff(self, column: str, suffix: str = "_diff", freq: str = "D") -> Self: """Calculate daily new cases with "f(x>0) = F(x) - F(x-1), x(0) = 0 when F is cumulative numbers". Args: column: column name of the cumulative numbers suffix: suffix if the column (new column name will be '{column}{suffix}') freq: offset aliases of shifting dates Returns: updated `DataEngineer` instance Note: Regarding @freq, refer to """ transformer = _DataTransformer(data=self._gis.all(), layers=self._layers, date=self.DATE) transformer.diff( column=Validator( self._var_alias.find(name=column, default=[column]), "column", accept_none=False).sequence(length=1)[0], suffix=suffix, freq=freq) return self._recreate_gis(transformer)
[docs] def add(self, columns: list[str] | str, new: str | None = None, fill_value: float | int = 0) -> Self: """Calculate element-wise addition with `pandas.DataFrame.sum(axis=1)`, X1 + X2 + X3 +... Args: columns: columns (or alias) to add new: column name of addition or None (f"{X1}+{X2}+{X3}...") fill_value: value to fill in NAs Returns: updated `DataEngineer` instance """ col_names = self._var_alias.find(name=columns, default=columns) transformer = _DataTransformer(data=self._gis.all(), layers=self._layers, date=self.DATE) transformer.add(columns=col_names, new=new or "+".join(col_names), fill_value=fill_value) return self._recreate_gis(transformer)
[docs] def mul(self, columns: list[str] | str, new: str | None = None, fill_value: float | int = 0) -> Self: """Calculate element-wise multiplication with `pandas.DataFrame.product(axis=1)`, X1 * X2 * X3 *... Args: columns: columns (or alias) to multiply new: column name of multiplication or None (f"{X1}*{X2}*{X3}...") fill_value: value to fill in NAs Returns: updated `DataEngineer` instance """ col_names = self._var_alias.find(name=columns, default=columns) transformer = _DataTransformer(data=self._gis.all(), layers=self._layers, date=self.DATE) transformer.mul(columns=col_names, new=new or "*".join(col_names), fill_value=fill_value) return self._recreate_gis(transformer)
[docs] def sub(self, minuend: str, subtrahend: str, new: str | None = None, fill_value: float | int = 0) -> Self: """Calculate element-wise subtraction with `pandas.Series.sub()`, minuend - subtrahend. Args: minuend: numerator column subtrahend: subtrahend column new: column name of subtraction or None (f"{minuend}-{subtrahend}") fill_value: value to fill in NAs Returns: updated `DataEngineer` instance """ transformer = _DataTransformer(data=self._gis.all(), layers=self._layers, date=self.DATE) transformer.sub( minuend=Validator( self._var_alias.find(name=minuend, default=[minuend]), "minuend", accept_none=False).sequence(length=1)[0], subtrahend=Validator( self._var_alias.find(name=subtrahend, default=[subtrahend]), "subtrahend", accept_none=False).sequence(length=1)[0], new=new or f"{minuend}-{subtrahend}", fill_value=fill_value) return self._recreate_gis(transformer)
[docs] def div(self, numerator: str, denominator: str, new: str | None = None, fill_value: float | int = 0) -> Self: """Calculate element-wise floating division with `pandas.Series.div()`, numerator / denominator. Args: numerator: numerator column denominator: denominator column new: column name of floating division or None (f"{numerator}_per_({denominator.replace(' ', '_')})") fill_value: value to fill in NAs Returns: updated `DataEngineer` instance Note: Positive rate could be calculated with Confirmed / Tested, `.div(numerator="Confirmed", denominator="Tested", new="Positive_rate")` """ transformer = _DataTransformer(data=self._gis.all(), layers=self._layers, date=self.DATE) transformer.div( numerator=Validator( self._var_alias.find(name=numerator, default=[numerator]), "numerator", accept_none=False).sequence(length=1)[0], denominator=Validator( self._var_alias.find(name=denominator, default=[denominator]), "denominator", accept_none=False).sequence(length=1)[0], new=new or f"{numerator}_per_({denominator.replace(' ', '_')})", fill_value=fill_value) return self._recreate_gis(transformer)
[docs] def assign(self, **kwargs) -> Self: """Assign a new column with `pandas.DataFrame.assign()`. Args: **kwargs: dict of {str: callable or pandas.Series} Note: Refer to documentation of `pandas.DataFrame.assign()`, """ transformer = _DataTransformer(data=self._gis.all(), layers=self._layers, date=self.DATE) transformer.assign(**kwargs) return self._recreate_gis(transformer)
def _recreate_gis(self, transformer: _DataTransformer) -> Self: """Recreate GIS instance with transformer. Args: transformer """ citations = self._gis.citations(variables=None) self._gis = GIS(**self._gis_kwargs) self._gis.register( data=transformer.all(), layers=self._layers, date=self.DATE, variables=None, citations=citations, convert_iso3=False) return self
[docs] def layer(self, geo: tuple[list[str] | tuple[str] | str | None, ...] = None, start_date: str | None = None, end_date: str | None = None, variables: list[str] | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the data at the selected layer in the date range. Args: geo: location names to specify the layer or None (the top level) start_date: start date, like 22Jan2020 end_date: end date, like 01Feb2020 variables: list of variables to add or None (all available columns) Raises: TypeError: @geo has un-expected types ValueError: the length of @geo is larger than the length of layers NotRegisteredError: No records have been registered at the layer yet Returns: Index: reset index Columns - (str): columns defined by covsirphy.GIS(layers) - Date (pandas.Timestamp): observation dates - columns defined by @ variables Note: Note that records with NAs as country names will be always removed. Note: Regarding @geo argument, please refer to `covsirphy.GIS.layer()`. """ v_converted = self._var_alias.find(name=variables, default=variables) return self._gis.layer(geo=geo, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, variables=v_converted, errors="raise")
[docs] def choropleth(self, geo: tuple[list[str] | tuple[str] | str | None, ...], variable: str, on: str | None = None, title: str = "Choropleth map", filename: str = "choropleth.jpg", logscale: bool = True, directory: str | None = None, natural_earth: str | None = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Create choropleth map. Args: geo: location names to specify the layer or None (the top level) variable: variable name to show on: the date, like 22Jan2020, or None (the last date of each location) title: title of the map filename: filename to save the figure or None (display) logscale: whether convert the value to log10 scale values or not directory: directory to save GeoJSON file of "Natural Earth" GitHub repository or None (the directory of GIS class script) natural_earth: title of GeoJSON file(without extension) of "Natural Earth" GitHub repository or None (automatically determined) **kwargs: keyword arguments of the following classes and methods. - `matplotlib.pyplot.savefig()`, - `matplotlib.pyplot.legend()`, and - pandas.DataFrame.plot()` Note: Regarding @ geo argument, please refer to `covsirphy.GIS.layer()`. Note: GeoJSON files are listed in - - - - Natural Earth (Free vector and raster map data at, Public Domain) """ layer_df = self.layer(geo=geo, variables=[variable]) gis = GIS(**self._gis_kwargs) gis.register(data=layer_df, date=self.DATE) gis.choropleth( variable=variable, filename=filename, title=title, logscale=logscale, geo=geo, on=on, directory=directory, natural_earth=natural_earth, **kwargs)
[docs] def subset(self, geo: tuple[list[str] | tuple[str] | str | None, ...] = None, start_date: str | None = None, end_date: str | None = None, variables: list[str] | str | None = None, complement: bool = True, get_dummies: bool = True, **kwargs) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, str, dict[str, bool]]: """Return subset of the location and date range. Args: geo: location names to filter or None (total at the top level) start_date: start date, like 22Jan2020 end_date: end date, like 01Feb2020 variables: list of variables to add or None (all available columns) complement: whether perform data complement or not, True as default get_dummies: whether convert categorical variable into dummy variables or not, True as default **Kwargs: keyword arguments for complement and default values - recovery_period (int): expected value of recovery period[days], 17 - interval (int): expected update interval of the number of recovered cases[days], 2 - max_ignored (int): Max number of recovered cases to be ignored[cases], 100 - max_ending_unupdated (int): Max number of days to apply full complement, where max recovered cases are not updated[days], 14 - upper_limit_days (int): maximum number of valid partial recovery periods[days], 90 - lower_limit_days (int): minimum number of valid partial recovery periods[days], 7 - upper_percentage (float): fraction of partial recovery periods with value greater than upper_limit_days, 0.5 - lower_percentage (float): fraction of partial recovery periods with value less than lower_limit_days, 0.5 Returns: - pandas.DataFrame Index Date(pandas.DataFrame): observation dates Columns Population(int): total population Tests(int): column of the number of tests Confirmed(int): the number of confirmed cases Fatal(int): the number of fatal cases Recovered(int): the number of recovered cases the other columns registered - str: status code: will be selected from - '' (not complemented) - 'monotonic increasing complemented confirmed data' - 'monotonic increasing complemented fatal data' - 'monotonic increasing complemented recovered data' - 'fully complemented recovered data' - 'partially complemented recovered data' - dict[str, bool]: status for each complement type, keys are - Monotonic_confirmed - Monotonic_fatal - Monotonic_recovered - Full_recovered - Partial_recovered Note: Regarding @geo argument, please refer to `covsirphy.GIS.subset()`. Note: Re-calculation of Susceptible and Infected will be done automatically. """ v_converted = self._var_alias.find(name=variables, default=variables) subset_df = self._gis.subset(geo=geo, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, variables=None, errors="raise") if not complement: df = subset_df.set_index(self.DATE) return df.loc[:, v_converted or df.columns].convert_dtypes(), "", {} default_kwargs = { "recovery_period": 17, "interval": 2, "max_ignored": 100, "max_ending_unupdated": 14, "upper_limit_days": 90, "lower_limit_days": 7, "upper_percentage": 0.5, "lower_percentage": 0.5, } handler = _ComplementHandler( **Validator(kwargs, "keyword arguments").kwargs(_ComplementHandler, default=default_kwargs)) c_df, status, status_dict = df = pd.concat([subset_df.drop([self.DATE, self.C, self.F, self.R], axis=1), c_df], axis=1) df["location"] = self.NA transformer = _DataTransformer(data=df, layers=["location"], date=self.DATE) transformer.susceptible(new=self.S, population=self.N, confirmed=self.C) transformer.infected(new=self.CI, confirmed=self.C, fatal=self.F, recovered=self.R) transformed_df = transformer.all().drop("location", axis=1).set_index(self.DATE) if get_dummies: transformed_df = pd.get_dummies(transformed_df, dtype=float).convert_dtypes() return transformed_df.loc[:, v_converted or transformed_df.columns], status, status_dict
[docs] def subset_alias(self, alias: str | None = None, update: bool = False, **kwargs) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, str, dict[str, bool]] | dict[str, tuple[pd.DataFrame, str, dict[str, bool]]]: """Set/get/list-up alias name(s) of subset. Args: alias: alias name or None (list-up alias names) update: force updating the alias when @alias is not None **kwargs: keyword arguments of covsirphy.DataEngineer().subset() Returns: - tuple[pandas.DataFrame, str, dict]: when @alias is not None, the subset of the alias - dict[str, tuple[pandas.DataFrame, str, dict]]: when @alias is None, dictionary of aliases and subsets Note: When the alias name was a new one, subset will be registered with `covsirphy.DataEngineer.subset(**kwargs)`. """ if alias is None: return self._subset_alias.all() result = self._subset_alias.find(alias, default=None) if update or result is None: self._subset_alias.update(name=alias, target=self.subset(**kwargs)) return self._subset_alias.find(alias)
[docs] def variables_alias(self, alias: str | None = None, variables: list[str] | None = None) -> list[str] | dict[str, list[str]]: """Set/get/list-up alias name(s) of variables. Args: alias: alias name or None (list - up alias names) variables: variables to register with the alias Raises: NotIncludedError: the alias is not None and un - registered Returns: - list[str]: when @alias is not None, the variables of the alias - dict[str, list[str]]: when @alias is None, dictionary of aliases and variables Note: When @variables is not None, alias will be registered/updated. Note: Some aliases are preset. We can check them with `covsirphy.DataEngineer().variables_alias()`. """ if alias is None: return self._var_alias.all() if variables is not None: self._var_alias.update(name=alias, target=variables) elif alias not in self._var_alias.all(): raise NotIncludedError(alias, "keys of alias dictionary of variables") return self._var_alias.find(name=alias)
[docs] @classmethod def recovery_period(cls, data: pd.DataFrame) -> int: """Calculate mode value of recovery period of the data. Args: data: data for calculation Index Date (pandas.Timestamp): observation dates Columns - Confirmed (int): the number of confirmed cases, optional - Fatal (int): the number of fatal cases, optional - Recovered (int): the number of recovered cases, optional - the other columns will be ignored Returns: mode value of recovery period [days] """ df = Validator(data, "data").dataframe(time_index=True, columns=[cls.C, cls.F, cls.R], empty_ok=False) df = df.resample("D").sum() df["diff"] = df[cls.C] - df[cls.F] df = df.loc[:, ["diff", cls.R]].unstack().reset_index() df.columns = ["Variable", "Date", "Number"] df["Days"] = (df["Date"] - df["Date"].min()).dt.days df = df.pivot_table(values="Days", index="Number", columns="Variable") df = df.interpolate(limit_area="inside").dropna().astype(np.int64) df["Elapsed"] = df[cls.R] - df["diff"] df = df.loc[df["Elapsed"] > 0] return 0 if df.empty else round(df["Elapsed"].mode().mean())