Source code for covsirphy.downloading.downloader

from __future__ import annotations
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
from covsirphy.util.error import NotRegisteredError, SubsetNotFoundError
from covsirphy.util.validator import Validator
from covsirphy.util.term import Term
from covsirphy.gis.gis import GIS
from covsirphy.downloading._db_cs_japan import _CSJapan
from covsirphy.downloading._db_covid19dh import _COVID19dh
from covsirphy.downloading._db_owid import _OWID
from covsirphy.downloading._db_wpp import _WPP

[docs] class DataDownloader(Term): """Class to download datasets from the recommended data servers. Args: directory: directory to save downloaded datasets update_interval: update interval of downloading dataset Note: Location layers are fixed to ['ISO3', 'Province', 'City']. """ LAYERS: list[str] = [Term.ISO3, Term.PROVINCE, Term.CITY] def __init__(self, directory: str | Path = "input", update_interval: int = 12, **kwargs) -> None: self._directory = directory self._update_interval = Validator(update_interval, "update_interval").int(value_range=(0, None)) self._gis = GIS(layers=self.LAYERS, country=self.ISO3, date=self.DATE)
[docs] def layer(self, country: str | None = None, province: str | None = None, databases: list[str] | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the data at the selected layer. Args: country: country name or None province: province/state/prefecture name or None databases: databases to use or None (japan, covid19dh, owid). Candidates are as follows. - "japan": COVID-19 Dataset in Japan, - "covid19dh": COVID-19 Data Hub, - "owid": Our World In Data, - "wpp": World Population Prospects by United nations. Returns: A dataframe with reset index and the following columns. - Date (pandas.Timestamp): observation date - ISO3 (str): country names - Province (str): province/state/prefecture names - City (str): city names - Country (str): country names (the top level administration) - Province (str): province names (the 2nd level administration) - ISO3 (str): ISO3 codes - Confirmed (pandas.Int64): the number of confirmed cases - Fatal (pandas.Int64): the number of fatal cases - Recovered (pandas.Int64): the number of recovered cases - Population (pandas.Int64): population values - Tests (pandas.Int64): the number of tests - Product (pandas.Int64): vaccine product names - Vaccinations (pandas.Int64): cumulative number of vaccinations - Vaccinations_boosters (pandas.Int64): cumulative number of booster vaccinations - Vaccinated_once (pandas.Int64): cumulative number of people who received at least one vaccine dose - Vaccinated_full (pandas.Int64): cumulative number of people who received all doses prescribed by the protocol - School_closing - Workplace_closing - Cancel_events - Gatherings_restrictions - Transport_closing - Stay_home_restrictions - Internal_movement_restrictions - International_movement_restrictions - Information_campaigns - Testing_policy - Contact_tracing - Stringency_index Note: - When @country is None, country-level data will be returned. - When @country is a string and @province is None, province-level data in the country will be returned. - When @country and @province are strings, city-level data in the province will be returned. """ db_dict = { "japan": _CSJapan, "covid19dh": _COVID19dh, "owid": _OWID, "wpp": _WPP, } all_databases = ["japan", "covid19dh", "owid"] selected = Validator(databases, "databases").sequence(default=all_databases, candidates=list(db_dict.keys())) self._gis = GIS(layers=self.LAYERS, country=self.ISO3, date=self.DATE) for database in selected: db = db_dict[database]( directory=self._directory, update_interval=self._update_interval,) new_df = db.layer(country=country, province=province).convert_dtypes() if new_df.empty: continue self._gis.register( data=new_df, layers=self.LAYERS, date=self.DATE, citations=db.CITATION, convert_iso3=False) try: return self._gis.layer(geo=(country, province)) except NotRegisteredError: raise SubsetNotFoundError(geo=(country, province)) from None
[docs] def citations(self, variables: list[str] | None = None) -> list[str]: """ Return citation list of the data sources. Args: variables: list of variables to collect or None (all available variables) Returns: citations """ return self._gis.citations(variables=variables)