# Installation `covsirphy` library supports Python 3.8 and newer versions. > **Warning** > **We cannot use `covsirphy` on Google Colab, which uses Python 3.7. [Binder](https://mybinder.org/) is recommended.** **Please use `covsirphy` with a virtual environment** (venv/poetry/conda etc.) because it has many dependencies as listed in "tool.poetry.dependencies" of [pyproject.toml](https://github.com/lisphilar/covid19-sir/blob/master/pyproject.toml). If you have any concerns, kindly create issues in [CovsirPhy: GitHub Issues page](https://github.com/lisphilar/covid19-sir/issues). All discussions are recorded there. ## Stable version The latest stable version of CovsirPhy is available at [PyPI (The Python Package Index): covsirphy](https://pypi.org/project/covsirphy/). ```bash pip install --upgrade covsirphy ``` Please check the version number as follows. ```Python import covsirphy as cs cs.__version__ ``` ## Development version You can find the latest development in [GitHub repository: CovsirPhy](https://github.com/lisphilar/covid19-sir) and install it with `pip` command. ```bash pip install --upgrade "git+https://github.com/lisphilar/covid19-sir.git#egg=covsirphy" ``` If you have a time to contribute CovsirPhy project, please refer to [Guideline of contribution](https://lisphilar.github.io/covid19-sir/CONTRIBUTING.html). Always welcome! ## Installation with Anaconda Anaconda users can install `covsirphy` in a conda environment (named "covid” for example). To avoid version conflicts of dependencies, `fiona`, `ruptures` and `pip` should be installed with conda command in advance. ```bash conda create -n covid python=3 pip conda activate covid conda install -c conda-forge fiona ruptures pip install --upgrade covsirphy ``` To exit this conda environment, please use `conda deactivate`. ## Start analysis What to do next? Please refer to tutorials of this documentation. The first tutorial is [Data preparation](https://lisphilar.github.io/covid19-sir/01_data_preparation.html). If you have any questions and any advice, feel free to contact developers and users via [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/lisphilar/covid19-sir/issues).