Source code for covsirphy.visualization.colored_map

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
import country_converter as coco
import geopandas as gpd
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import requests
from unidecode import unidecode
from covsirphy.visualization.vbase import VisualizeBase

[docs]class ColoredMap(VisualizeBase): """ Create global map with pandas.DataFrame. Args: filename (str or None): filename to save the figure or None (display) kwargs: the other arguments of matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() """ def __init__(self, filename=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(filename=filename, **kwargs) self._to_iso3 = partial(coco.convert, to="ISO3", not_found=None) self._geo_dirpath = Path("input") def __enter__(self): return super().__enter__() def __exit__(self, *exc_info): return super().__exit__(*exc_info) @property def directory(self): """ str: directory to save the downloaded files of geometry information """ return str(self._geo_dirpath) @directory.setter def directory(self, name): self._geo_dirpath = Path(name)
[docs] def plot(self, data, level="Country", included=None, excluded=None, logscale=True, **kwargs): """ Set dataframe and the variable to show in a colored map. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): data to show Index reset index Columns - Country (str or pandas.Category): country name(s) - Province (str or pandas.Category): province names, necessary when @level is 'Province' - Value (int or float or None): values to coloring the map - ISO3 (str): ISO3 codes, optional level (str): 'Country' (global map) or 'Province' (country-specific map) logscale (bool): whether convert the value to log10 scale values or not included (list[str] or None): included countries/provinces or None (all) excluded (list[str] or None): excluded countries/provinces or None (all) kwargs: arguments of geopandas.GeoDataFrame.plot() except for 'column' Raises: ValueError: labels for data are not unique UnExpectedValueError: some countries' records are included when @level is 'Province' SubsetNotFoundError: no geometry information available for the labels """ expected_cols = [self.COUNTRY, "Value"] + [] if level == self.COUNTRY else [self.PROVINCE] self._ensure_dataframe(data, name="data", columns=expected_cols) if level == self.COUNTRY: # Global map with country level data if not data[self.COUNTRY].is_unique: raise ValueError(f"{self.COUNTRY} column of data should be unique.") gdf = self._global_data(data=data, included=included, excluded=excluded) else: # Country-specific map with province level data unique_n = data[self.COUNTRY].nunique() if unique_n > 1: raise ValueError( f"{self.COUNTRY} column of data should have only one country name when @level is {self.PROVINCE}, but {unique_n} found.") country = data[self.COUNTRY].value_counts().index[0] if not data[self.PROVINCE].is_unique: raise ValueError(f"{self.PROVINCE} column of data should be unique.") gdf = self._country_specific_data(data, included=included, excluded=excluded, country=country) gdf.loc[gdf["Value"] < 0, "Value"] = 0 # Colorbar divider = make_axes_locatable(self._ax) cax = divider.append_axes("bottom", size="5%", pad=0.1) # Arguments of plotting with GeoPandas plot_kwargs = { "legend": True, "cmap": "coolwarm", "ax": self._ax, "cax": cax, "missing_kwds": { "color": "lightgrey", "edgecolor": "white", "hatch": "///", } } plot_kwargs.update(kwargs) plot_kwargs["legend_kwds"] = {"orientation": "horizontal"} # Convert to log10 scale if logscale: gdf["Value"] = np.log10(gdf["Value"] + 1) plot_kwargs["legend_kwds"]["label"] = "in log10 scale" # Plotting warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) if not gdf["Value"].isna().sum(): # Missing values are not included plot_kwargs.pop("missing_kwds") gdf.plot(column="Value", **plot_kwargs) # Remove all ticks self._ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False, left=False, bottom=False)
def _global_data(self, data, included, excluded): """ Create global map data with geometry information. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): data to show Index reset index Columns - Country (str): country names - Value (int or float or None): values to plot - ISO3 (str): ISO3 codes, optional included (list[str] or None): included countries or None (all) excluded (list[str] or None): excluded countries or None (all) Returns: geopandas.GeoDataFrame: Index reset index Columns - Value (int or float or None) - geometry (geopandas.GeoDataFrame.geometry): geometry information """ # data to plot df = data.copy() df[self.ISO3] = df[self.COUNTRY].apply(self._to_iso3) if self.ISO3 not in df else df[self.ISO3] # Geometry gdf = self._load_geo_global() # Merge them gdf = gdf.merge(df, how="left", on=self.ISO3) # Select countries included_codes = gdf[self.ISO3].tolist() if included is None else [self._to_iso3(c) for c in included] excluded_codes = [] if excluded is None else [self._to_iso3(c) for c in excluded] sel = set(included_codes) - set(excluded_codes) return gdf.loc[gdf[self.ISO3].isin(sel), ["Value", "geometry"]] def _country_specific_data(self, data, included, excluded, country): """ Create country-specific map data with geometry information. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): data to show Index reset index Columns - Province (str): province names - Value (int or float or None): values to plot included (list[str] or None): included countries or None (all) excluded (list[str] or None): excluded countries or None (all) country (str): country name scale (str): scale of geographic shapes, '10m', '50m' or '110m' Returns: geopandas.GeoDataFrame: Index reset index Columns - Value (int or float or None): values to plot - Province (str): province names - geometry (geopandas.GeoDataFrame.geometry): geometry information """ # Get geometry information of the country iso3 = self._to_iso3(country) scale = "50m" if iso3 == "USA" else "10m" gdf = self._load_geo_country_specific(scale=scale) gdf[self.ISO3] = gdf[self.ISO3].replace({"MAC": "CHN"}) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) hkg_gdf = gdf.loc[gdf[self.ISO3] == "HKG"].dissolve() hkg_gdf.loc[:, [self.ISO3, self.PROVINCE]] = ["CHN", "Hong Kong"] gdf = pd.concat([gdf.loc[gdf[self.ISO3] != "HKG"], hkg_gdf], sort=True, ignore_index=True) gdf = gdf.loc[gdf[self.ISO3] == iso3] # Update province names gdf[self.PROVINCE] = gdf[self.PROVINCE].replace( {"Xizang": "Tibet", "Inner Mongol": "Inner Mongolia"}) # Merge the data with geometry information gdf = gdf.merge(data, how="left", on=self.PROVINCE) # Select countries sel = set(included or gdf[self.PROVINCE].unique()) - set(excluded or []) return gdf.loc[gdf[self.PROVINCE].isin(sel), ["Value", self.PROVINCE, "geometry"]] def _load_geo_global(self): """ Retrieve geometry information for global map. Returns: geopandas.GeoDataFrame: Index reset index Columns - ISO3 (str): ISO3 codes - geometry (geopandas.GeoDataFrame.geometry): geometry information """ # Geometry information from Natural Earth # pop_est, continent, name, iso_a3, gdp_md_est, geometry warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) geopath = gpd.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_lowres") gdf = gpd.read_file(geopath) # Data cleaning gdf["name"] = gdf["name"].apply(unidecode) gdf["name"].replace( { "Fr. S. Antarctic Lands": "French Southern and Antarctic Lands", "S. Sudan": "South Sudan" }, inplace=True) # Get ISO3 codes gdf.rename(columns={"iso_a3": self.ISO3}, inplace=True) sel = gdf[self.ISO3] == "-99" gdf.loc[sel, self.ISO3] = gdf.loc[sel, "name"].apply(self._to_iso3) # Remove Antarctica and gdf = gdf.loc[gdf[self.ISO3] != "ATA"] return gdf.loc[:, [self.ISO3, "geometry"]] def _load_geo_country_specific(self, scale): """ Load shape file from 'Natural Earth Vector'. Args: scale (str): scale of geographic shapes, '10m', '50m' or '110m' Returns: geopandas.GeoDataFrame: Index reset index Columns - ISO3 (str): ISO3 codes - Province (str): province name - geometry (geopandas.GeoDataFrame.geometry): geometry information """ title = f"ne_{scale}_admin_1_states_provinces" extensions = [".README.html", ".VERSION.txt", ".cpg", ".dbf", ".sbn", ".sbx", ".shp", ".shx"] geo_dirpath = self._geo_dirpath.joinpath(title) geo_dirpath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Download files, if necessary for ext in extensions: basename = f"{title}{ext}" if geo_dirpath.joinpath(basename).exists(): continue url = f"{scale}_cultural/{basename}?raw=true" response = requests.get(url=url) with geo_dirpath.joinpath(basename).open("wb") as fh: fh.write(response.content) # Data cleaning warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) gdf = gpd.read_file(geo_dirpath.joinpath(f"{title}.shp")) gdf["name"] = gdf["name"].fillna("").apply(unidecode) gdf.rename(columns={"name": self.PROVINCE, "adm0_a3": self.ISO3}, inplace=True) return gdf.loc[:, [self.ISO3, self.PROVINCE, "geometry"]]